朱怀平教授学术报告: 浅水湖泊中溶解氧对浮游生物动力学的影响


报告题目:Impact of dissolved oxygen on the dynamics of plankton in shallow lakes ( 浅水湖泊中溶解氧对浮游生物动力学的影响)




报告摘要:In shallow lakes, dissolved oxygen plays an important role in the interactions between phytoplankton and zooplankton and in the outbreaks of algal blooms. The species diversity and density of benthic macroinvertebrates are also significantly correlated with the concentration of dissolved oxygen. It is interesting but also challenging to model the ecological system in water body like shallow water lakes. In this talk, considering the effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on the filtering rate of zooplankton, I will propose a simple dissolved oxygen- phytoplankton-zooplankton (DOPZ) model to study how dissolved oxygen enriches the dynamical behaviors of plankton ecosystem and triggers an algal bloom. I will discuss the stability of boundary equilibria, the existence of multiple positive equilibria and analyze the local dynamics by studying the singularity of a triple equilibrium on a manifold. Preliminary analysis of the system reveal some complex dynamics, including saddle-node bifurcations, Hopf bifurcation, and transcritical bifurcation. I will then illustrate our theoretical findings by performing some numerical stimulation with suitable bifurcation parameters, and give the corresponding biological interpretations for the interesting phenomena presented in the model. This is a joint work with Juan Li and Yongzhong Song.
